Detroit bakeries prepare for Fat Tue. paczki rush

If you're thinking about indulging and contemplating getting a treat on Fat Tuesday, which is March 4th this year, you have ...
The “welcome home” luncheon is to take place Saturday, March 29, at Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish — formerly St. Stanislaus Church Parish Center — at 1503 Kosciuszko Ave. in Bay City. Check-in is at ...
The name paczki translates to "little packages." Paczki is pronounced POONCH-key and is plural; one pastry is a paczek (POON-check).
Not everyone is increasing paczki prices. Zeitlin Delicatessen is holding the line on its Fat Tuesday offerings with a box of ...
Come Fat Tuesday every year, “Paczki Day” is celebrated across Chicago and the Midwest, and the doughnuts are recognized as a ...
Krzysiak's in Bay City hosts a dawn-to-noon Polish pastry extravaganza with live polka music and a charitable twist.
Order online through Saturday, March 1 via the bakery’s website or stop in on Fat Tuesday proper. Added Paczki Day bonus: The bakeries are open on Monday, March 3.
Pączki, king cake, Swedish semlor: you can find innumerable varieties all across Chicago and the suburbs for your Fat Tuesday ...