How a Catholic university is preparing the next generation of air traffic controllers to manage the sky and keep travelers ...
Millions of travelers rely on air traffic controllers every day to orchestrate high-speed maneuvers and help prevent planes from crashing. But a critical shortage has forced many to work “six days a ...
In a briefing for reporters at the F.A.A. Academy in Oklahoma City, where air traffic controllers train ... to live while they’re going through school.” The funds to provide the increase ...
Johnston also took a journalism class in high school. She remembers an article ... and says she has the unofficial title of “Air Traffic Controller of News.” “You have to be very organized ...
In a briefing for reporters at the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City, where air traffic controllers train ... them to live while they’re going through school.” The funds to provide the increase ...
McCormick said the FAA could go further to get young people interested in becoming air traffic controllers. “I think they need to start reaching out more to high school age (students ...