The money will compensate Boyd for being roughed up and having her front tooth knocked out during a 2020 protest at the ...
The Chicago City Council Committee on Finance approved a settlement for a woman injured during a 2020 protest on Monday.
Chicago’s city council approved a $280,000 settlement to a lawsuit filed in 2024 against the city and its police officers.
Good afternoon, Chicago. A protester punched by a Chicago police officer at a heated 2020 demonstration is now in line to get ...
The Columbus statue there and the one at Arrigo Park were ... who as an 18-year-old youth peacekeeper who has done more to ...
Miracle Boyd said it was one step closer to her finding closure in a case that's gone on for about five years.
Back in 2020, then-Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot had three statues of Christopher Columbus removed in Chicago. A few weeks ago, there was an uproar at City Hall over a piece of art on display at ...
The Columbus statue there and the one at Arrigo ... to bankroll programs led by young people in Chicago neighborhoods plagued by gang violence. During the public comment period, Miracle Boyd ...