N ow well into the second season, the return of Oxygen’s true-crime series, Fatal Family Feuds, has proven to be a successful ...
The lead detective in the infamous Jeffrey Dahmer case is issuing a warning to a psychiatric review board that granted conditional release to a Connecticut cannibal killer -- Don't let him out!
The decision has received tons of backlash from legislators but one person in particular warned against the man’s release: the investigator who tracked down Jeffrey Dahmer.
The show is a follow-up of sorts to a tour that forensic psychologist Dr. Rachel Toles had done about serial killers.
Watch the interview with McGuigan in the video above. On News 8 at 6 p.m. Thursday, Derderian talks with Gonzalez’s family and an author from Milwaukee connected to the Jeffrey Dahmer case.
When the Hamilton County Coroner reopens the case decades later, new DNA technology begins identifying more victims.
Dahmer's victims were primarily black and brown gay men, and the series hints that the ineffectiveness of police, in this case, was due to their biases against the community Dahmer seemed to target.
In "Inside Evil: Jeffrey Dahmer," Dateline NBC anchor Stone Phillips ... Son Of Sam," NBC News investigates the infamous serial murder case that terrorized New York City in 1977: did killer ...
In the trailer, someone calls Baumeister, "The Dahmer you never heard of." The four-episode docuseries dives into the decades-old case, involving missing men targeted at bars and the 10,000 bones and ...
Monster’ viewers got a glimpse of this ‘Butcher of Plainfield’ in Season 1, but he’s the focus of the Netflix anthology’s upcoming third season.