Fields in The Fatal Glass of Beer, Guy Ritchie’s films “ain’t no place for women or gals, but pretty men go thar.” The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare features Ritchie’s usual assortment of hunks ...
Guy Ritchie has been on a tear lately ... move on from being a gentleman to being ungentlemanly — and he’s got Superman and Jack Reacher to help out. Today, Lionsgate released the official ...
Nathan Fillion's Guy Gardner debuts in a Superman (2025) promo during the Super Bowl weekend, showcasing his Green Lantern ...
What would the movie industry be without Guy Ritchie? For the past few decades, he has consistently produced strong entertainment that audiences have loved (not including a certain romantic comedy ...
Kal-El will finally take flight again in James Gunn's Superman. Guy Ritchie's new movie is a Second World War thriller starring Henry Cavill and Eiza González. It's top of the Prime Video charts.