When we think of who we are and what defines us we often think of our physical bodies. Ask someone who he is, and he will generally point towards his heart. But is that really who we are? Is our body ...
Women in Judaism face two major issues. On the one hand, there are thousands of years of Halacha and rabbinic texts regarding the laws and practices specific to Jewish women that they must follow.
God chooses Bezalel, his assistant Oholiab, and every skilled craftsman that God has found (male or female) (Exodus 31:1-6). Skilled craftsmen, like God, are creative. They, like the Sabbath, are the ...
There are a number of midrashim (non-literal interpretations) that reflect the relationship between God and Israel as ...
While he doesn’t write short stories, he has the equivalent with over 4,000 ten-minute halacha shiurim. In these ten-minute halacha shiurim, one gains a tremendous overview and understanding of ...
A class by Rabbi Heschel Greenberg on the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah: Divine Unity Revealed. Rabbi Heschel Greenberg has launched a new series of classes on the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah in response to the ...
A class by Rabbi Heschel Greenberg on the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah: The Paradox of Natural Change in Messianic Times.