That event was traced to a globular cluster—a dense, ancient cluster of stars—on the edge of the spiral galaxy Messier 81. At the time, the M81 FRB forced astronomers to reconsider their ...
A mysterious burst of radiowaves with more energy than the sun emits in a year has been traced back to a cosmic graveyard dead galaxy filled with ancient stars.
Hubble's study reveals Andromeda experienced major galactic collisions, unlike Milky Way. Its satellite galaxies show unusual ...
The universe is vast, mysterious, and breathtakingly beautiful. From the glow of distant galaxies to the quiet elegance of ...
Located 2.5 million light-years away, the majestic Andromeda galaxy appears to the naked eye as a faint, spindle-shaped object roughly the angular size of the full Moon. What backyard observers don't ...
the dwarf galaxy IC 2574, is located about 12 million light-years away (1 light-year is the distance light travels in one year, approximately 9.46 trillion kilometers) and is part of the M81 ...