There are several aspects to consider when figuring out AQI. Factors such as particle pollution, ground-level ozone, carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulphur dioxide levels all affect the AQI ...
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) has released its annual End-of-Season Air Quality Report, analyzing air quality trends from November 2023 to October 2024. The report ...
Ozone is a gas comprised of three oxygen (O3) atoms. It is unstable and reacts easily to other gases. In its natural state, it is a component in several levels of the atmosphere. At high altitudes ...
Instead, the U.S. air quality index looks at five pollutants regulated under the Clean Air Act: ground-level ozone, ...
Despite the improvement in air quality, experts have warned that particulate matter pollution still exceeds the National ...
The ozone season in Dallas-Fort Worth lasts most of the year hotter weather can have an impact on ground-level ozone and the ...
Dhaka, the overcrowded capital city of Bangladesh, has ranked thirteen on the list of cities with the worst air quality with ...
The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) has released its annual End-of-Season Air Quality Report, analyzing air quality trends from November 2023 to October 2024. The re ...