Baby” Walker is the coolest boy in Baltimore. He’s a bad boy with a good cause – truth, justice and the pursuit of rock and roll. Enter Allison, a strait-laced rich girl who trades her “Square” ...
John Waters looks back on "Cry-Baby." Credit: Stacey Zhu; Kino Lorber, Taylor Hill / Getty Images Entertainment / FrankvandenBergh / E+ / via Getty Images Looking back on his career, John Waters ...
When the musical Hairspray (based on the John Waters film) became a smash hit on Broadway in 2002, its adapters clearly hoped to replicate that success by turning to another of the subversive ...
Punk-inspired folk singer-songwriter Sunny War has shared her latest single, “Cry Baby,” featuring Valerie June. It’s the third preview from her forthcoming album, Armageddon in a Summer ...
It’s 1954. Everyone likes Ike, nobody likes communism and Wade “Cry-Baby” Walker is the coolest boy in Baltimore. He’s a bad boy with a good cause – truth, justice and the pursuit of rock and roll.