Over 800 Louisiana residents lost their lives in the Vietnam War. On March 29, they will be remembered with the unveiling of ...
In 1979, Congress grants a Vietnam War veterans' committee the right to build a memorial on the Mall in Washington, D.C., dedicated to American soldiers killed in the conflict in Vietnam.
Barack Obama marked his first Memorial Day as president on Monday, calling on Americans to remember U.S. troops who died in ...
FIFTY YEARS after the Vietnam War ended, Milford men and women who served in the armed forces during the long and controversial conflict will be honored with a monument of their own.
This year marks 50 years since America left Vietnam, ending our involvement in the war. Many memorials and monuments have been dedicated to soldiers of this war.
One of the most moving war memorials, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial – or "the Wall," as it's commonly referred to – is a long black granite wall with the names of more than 58,000 Americans ...
In 1979, Congress grants a Vietnam War veterans' committee the right to build a memorial on the Mall in Washington, D.C., dedicated to American soldiers killed in the conflict in Vietnam.