Many public institutions will close for Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday, while some private businesses will remain open. Here's what to know.
On Monday, communities across Michigan will gather to honor the legacy of the late civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr., who visited Detroit and Michigan many times during his life. Though assassinated at 39 years old while in Memphis, Tennessee ...
The walls of her second-floor office at East Lansing City Hall are lined with reminders of civil rights history: pivotal moments in the fight for equality, marches, sit-ins and quotes from civil rights leader,
Residents across Michigan are preparing to celebrate and honor Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, Jan. 20. Several events celebrating the holiday and the civil rights leader’s legacy are scheduled throughout Michigan this month.
Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with this Muskegon Heights skate spot at 1775 Evanston Ave. on Monday, Jan. 20. The event is open to all, starting at $8 admission, but babies and toddlers up to 32 inches tall can enter and watch for free.
On the third Monday of the month, federal, state and local governments, institutions and various industries recognize Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
With Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a federal holiday honoring the late civil rights icon, falling on Monday this year, Michigan residents hoping to run errands or conduct business may be out of luck ...
Jordan Gulkis, spokeswoman for the Lansing Police Department, told the State Journal there was an electrical fire but no one was injured.
Another big MLK Day event for the region is the 40th Annual Day of Celebration happening at the Lansing Center, 333 E. Michigan Ave., at 11 a.m. Monday. Civil rights activist Bernard Lafayette will be the keynote speaker. Tickets are $60 and can be purchased at
People gathered Monday to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr Day. It’s an event that brings together the community through music, storytelling, and fellowship.
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds.” -- Abraham Lincoln, March 4, 1865.
Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a federal holiday in the U.S. observed on the third Monday of January each year. The holiday was established in 1983, about 20 years after King’s “I Have a Dream” speech,