KUMANO, Mie Prefecture--The famed "Shishi-iwa" (Lion rock), a lion-shaped formation on top of a cliff here appearing to be ...
Organizers of age-old horse festivals that captivate the public with daring deeds are increasingly locked in a contentious ...
Subaru Telescope’s celebration of its 25th anniversary is wrapping up in March 2025. There have been multiple projects to ...
Pianos from the time of Beethoven and Mozart form part of a collection here that was lovingly put together by a piano tuner ...
A highest-level warning for a Nankai Trough megaquake would prompt a government evacuation advisory for 670,000 people, but less than half of the affected municipalities are prepared, an Asahi Shimbun ...
TSU, Mie Prefecture--A fossil discovery by Yoshihiko Saka when he was a schoolboy 33 years ago was likened to “winning the jackpot” after museum officials here belatedly realized it ...
NABARI, Mie Prefecture--A promotional video aimed at foreign nationals keen to learn ninja skills at the famed Akame 48 Waterfalls here is creating quite a buzz overseas. The YouTube clip ...
Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Sebuah video yang diklaim gerai mie gacoan disegel karena mengandung minyak babi beredar di media sosial. Video tersebut disebarkan salah satu akun Facebook pada 24 Februari ...
TANGERANG SELATAN, KOMPAS.com – Restoran Mie Gacoan di Jalan Kapten Soebiyanto, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, kembali disegel oleh Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja (Satpol PP) Tangsel pada Jumat (21/2/2025).
TANGERANG SELATAN, KOMPAS.com – Restoran Mie Gacoan di Jalan Kapten Soebiyanto, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, kembali disegel untuk kedua kalinya dalam sepekan oleh Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja (Satpol PP ...
Cara membuat mi gacoan indomie: 1. Rebus air hingga mendidih kemudian masak mi hingga empuk, lalu angkat dan tiriskan. 2. Di wajan terpisah, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum, kemudian masukkan ayam dan ...
MI GACOAN DISEGEL - Proyek restoran Mie Gacoan yang berlokasi di Serpong, Tangerang Selatan (KIRI), resmi disegel oleh Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja (Satpol PP) pada Jumat (21/2/2025). Penampakan ...