The clock is running out on California's clean air vehicle decal program that allows EVs to travel in the carpool lane ...
Originally, HOV lane access for EVs was genius. Reward the early EV adopters, push cleaner tech, reduce gridlock. But now? It ...
The federal law that allows California to grant this perk, one of the earliest such EV ownership incentives, is set to expire Sept. 30, according to the report. California lawmakers reportedly want to ...
California may be the spiritual home of fun cars like the Mercedes-AMG G63 and the Porsche 911. But it's far from the optimal ...
EVs may no longer get free access to the carpool lane after September. Here's why that may end up being a good thing.
One of California’s most valuable clean vehicle incentives is in trouble, and federal lawmakers haven’t taken action.
The Clean Air Vehicle Decal program that allows California's EV drivers to drive without passengers in the car-pool lane is set to expire on September 30.
To encourage adoption of new technologies, the decal program incentivized California's high-occupancy vehicle lane.