Stakeholders on Wednesday emphasized the need for specific policies and frameworks to establish a plastic recycling value ...
A DEPLORABLE failure of urban waste governance has left large parts of southern Dhaka cloaked in toxic smoke for more than ...
We have seen footpath encroachment in many places. Many garage owners are using the sidewalks and roads to wash motorcycles and cars, he says ...
Srijonshil Proshno Poddhoti (the creative question system) was introduced in 2009 to deter students from relying on the ...
After Eid, we will conduct a drive. Trade licences of businesses who encroach on footpaths will be cancelled, and their shops ...
As Dhaka grapples with clogged canals and authorities work to remove illegal structures obstructing water flow, some infrastructure projects are undermining these efforts. One such obstruction is a ...
REPEATED court interventions and an apparent unwillingness of relevant public agencies to execute whatever plans that the ...
The Rohingyas are on the verge of a deep humanitarian crisis in the wake of cuts in aid, UN Secretary-General Antonio ...
Hyundai Steel workers’ union suspends 16-day strike; Mental health workers at Victoria’s public hospitals strike; South Australian health and disability support workers maintain bans; New Zealand ...
Workers whose jobs require them to be outdoors all day, such as street vendors or agricultural workers, are also highly ...
A growing number of organisations are trying to understand how heat is experienced by different segments of society. Read ...
Paris: Despite an improvement in 2024,Indiaagain dominated global rankings for the cities with the most dangerous particle ...