The Bible says that after the resurrection was completed Jesus, returned to heaven to begin his work as our priest (Hebrews 2:17 and 18).
What does March 2020 mean to you? No doubt you remember it as the start of the dreaded COVID-19 pandemic! However, it’s more than that for me as ...
God certainly is showing us his wrath in all our weather conditions – fires, floods, hurricanes, snow and ice storms like we haven’t seen in years. Even snow down south ...
Beyond theology, Christian Zionists and dispensationalists have influenced American policies that prioritize biblical ...
In the book of Revelation, John is granted a vision of the radiant glory of God the Father, enthroned in heaven. In God’s right hand, John sees a scroll, a ...
“I interpret ‘every race and nation and language’ literally. God has chosen people in even predominantly pagan nations and reached them by sending men and women or angels, dreams, and visions. What ...
OSCODA – Shoreline Players will open their show “Come Sit on the Porch for Awhile” this weekend. This production is a one act ...
I do not envy the mainstream press at this moment. With multiple unthinkable things happening on a weekly basis, the task of triaging and prioritizing stories which could each ...
He also contributed to id Software's DOOM (2016), Prey, and two upcoming games: Project C by Darewise Entertainment and Project DG by Eschatology Entertainment. Former Valve writer Marc Laidlaw ...
In 2022, Antonov co-founded Eschatology Entertainment with Fuad Kuliev, Dmytro Kostiukevych, and Boris Nikolaev.
In 2022, Antonov co-founded Eschatology Entertainment to work on the mysterious Project DG, a game about a gunslinger exploring a world "on the verge of destruction". Rest in peace.