Time and again tensions rose between Europe and the U.S. under both Republican and Democratic administrations, and they eased ...
The European Commission will invite EU countries to swiftly agree on their most pressing defence needs with a view to ...
The Illinois state flag is sometimes derided as an “SOB” — a state “Seal on a Bedsheet.” The white banner emblazoned with the ...
LONDON (Reuters) - Central bank body, the Bank for International Settlements, has refrained from voicing its usual concerns about rising debt, noting markets' positive reaction to Europe's plans ...
At one point seeming to allow the Nazi flag and the Confederate flag in history class until that loophole was closed, the bill now permits, with a few exceptions, just the U.S. flag, the Utah ...
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Flags engender such loyalty and pride, they often become very personal emblems with quirky or quaint nicknames: Old Glory, Union Jack, Maple Leaf — or SOB. That would ...
An amendment that will allow 3,200-square-foot flags to fly in Greenville’s commercial areas is set to go before the City Council tonight following a recommendation to deny by the city planning ...
With two representatives in the quarter-finals in Birmingham, France are the best represented European nation. With the mixed doubles third seeds, and one of the brightest young things in men’s ...