Ater a hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the New Orleans Sacred Music Festival is making a highly anticipated return for its eighth year. This free, day-long event celebrates spiritual traditions ...
Johnson speaks four languages fluently — Ewe, the native language of Togo, and French, which is commonly spoken there. He learned Wolof during a year spent in Senegal at SEED Academy (Sports for ...
Connections is one of the best puzzle games from the New York Times. The game tasks you with categorizing a pool of 16 words into four secret (for now) groups by figuring out how the words relate ...
Leora Fox trained as a Huntington's Disease scientist, and obtained her PhD in 2016 at Columbia University, where she studied HD mouse models and how brain cells dispose of huntingtin protein. After ...
Ed is a neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK, and a Professor of Neurology at University College London where he is Associate Director of the Huntington’s ...