With Florida's legislative session starting Tuesday, the Leon County Sheriff's Office is checking its list – a list of ...
Read the paper: A cryptic pocket in CB1 drives peripheral and functional selectivity Many ... Neural pathways for reward and relief promote fentanyl addiction This balance was modulated by two ...
Some of the requests would benefit other local law enforcement agencies as well as community outreach groups, such as the ... to combat violent crimes, fentanyl abuse and opioid overdoses within ...
The more than 90-minute address added up to an defiant sales pitch for the policies that he promised during his campaign and ...
A spokesperson from Moulton’s office said they have heard from local tax advocacy groups who are concerned ... and keep IRS systems online and functional,” they wrote. They described the ...
When I first visited the camp as a journalist in 2023, I had to admit there was something functional about the place. Yes, many people were addicted to fentanyl or otherwise deeply troubled ...
The Senate passed the HALT Fentanyl Act Friday aimed at closing loopholes exploited by drug traffickers. The bill gained ...
The measure, which passed with bipartisan support and minor changes, now heads back to the House. It is just the second ...