Affectionately known as the whale tale, the wing provided the car with downforce, and interestingly one of the wing's designers took his inspiration from the WW1 Fokker DR1 triplane, with a three ...
Ni danskere stiger ombord på en bus mod det ukendte: Destination X. Deres opgave undervejs er at gætte, hvor de er. Der er bare ét problem. Bussens ruder er blændet, så de rejser i blinde. Gennem ...
Britisk Oscarbelønnet autentisk drama fra 2014. I 1939 tilbyder den unge matematiker Alan Turing det britiske efterretningsvæsen at hjælpe med at bryde den tyske hærs tilsyneladende ubrydelige kode.
In a new development, it is now known that the United States’ FBI investigators are assisting Dominican security and rescue teams as the search continues to solve the case of missing 20-year old ...
The National Wage Committee (CNS) has approved a 20% increase to minimum wages for the non-sectorized private employees, as proposed by President Luis Abinader during a recent weekly press conference.
Refurbished to like new condition by South Tec Aviation. New Continental C155 engines with 2,100 overhaul times. Freshly overhauled MT scimitar props with new blades. New paint and interior.
Det er navnene på de otte MGP-finalister, som hele Danmark nu skal lære at kende, når går løs den 22. februar på DR1 og DRTV direkte fra Jyske Bank Boxen i Herning. De to værter Jonas Madsen og Sælma ...
You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use. Learn more about releases in our docs.
The Belgian and Hungarian Air Forces will both returning to The Royal International Air Tattoo to contribute to the static displays: ...
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