Tired of those pesky red fire ants ruining your lawn with their mounds? The LSU Ag Center has shared ways to deal with them safely.
UC Master Gardeners of Ventura County can help you practice Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, an approach to controlling ...
Letting the 5 older boys take over the garden may not produce a harvest, but it will be ripe with lessons learned.
Daisies, with rosettes of leaves pressed to the soil, and speedwells, with low trailing leafy shoots, are examples of plants ...
TO mow or not to mow is the question every gardener asks in March. The temptation when the temperature slowly creeps up, ...
Q: We started to notice these spots in the St. Augustine in late summer and they are still here. They began as yellowed grass ...
Want to welcome an abundance of bees and butterflies to your garden this summer? Garden experts have revealed that planting agastache is the one thing you should do to encourage bees and butterflies ...
The garden will aim to encourage people to welcome insects, often overlooked but beneficial, into their gardens and green spaces.
Surrounded by lush greenery and a beautifully-curated garden in Yelahanka, lies Farmlore with its exquisite fine-dining ...
Gardeners are being called to scatter small pieces of orange peels around their plants or bury them within the soil for a ...
A 'bomb-proof' vegetable that is uncommonly easy to grow is "the one plant you need to grow in case of the apocalypse", says ...