More than 70+ Lubavitch communities and Chabad Houses around the world are about to embark on Halacha classes for ...
A mobility scooter on Shabbat? Yes, really. With SHABBATTO, independence, halacha, and religious life go hand in hand.
If I donate an average of $1,000 a month by credit card, that’s $12,000 a year; a 2% fee comes to $240, explained Mr. Freilich. Is this included in my maaser kesafim, or do I need to deduct this amo ...
Rabbi Heschel Greenberg is a shliach of the Rebbe in Buffalo NY and the Director of the Jewish Discovery Center, and, for the past 50 years, has taught thousands of classes on all aspects of Jewish ...
In other words, we are normally not allowed to kill one person to save another; however, because the rodef is engaging in an act of attempted murder, there is a special din of chiyuv missah on the rod ...
This year, we celebrate Purim in the shadow of war, with 59 of our brothers and sisters still held hostage in Gaza, and the ...