Find every Blacksmith in Trosky and Kuttenberg with our guide and map on all Kingdom Come Blacksmith locations.
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's Storm quest seems simple ... easy path around almost all of them that takes you to Mika and the abandoned camp without having to deal with more than one or two guards.
The medieval world of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is home to a vast number ... The Wandering Drunk can be found in an abandoned barn just north of Semine, tucked off the main roads.
These Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips and tricks have everything ... and if you're really desperate, you can find abandoned camps in the wilderness, or clear hideouts of bandits so you can use ...
Getting better gear will help you progress much faster on your journey in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 ... in Kuttenberg Looted from a chest at the abandoned forge in Miskowitz Knight’s Axe ...
or even find abandoned camps with sleeping rolls for you to use. Reach a set mission checkpoint. Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 has an autosave system that triggers at certain key moments - usually at ...
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 has a wealth of content spread ... who you can find in the garden. Either complete a Persuasion check or give her five Marigold and she will give you the book in return.
The official patch notes state that a "more robust" solution will be implemented in a future update.
The Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 update 1.022 removes the New Game from the pause menu, and sorts technical issues on PS5.
There are seven Tailors in total in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, although only one of those is located in the first map, ...