SB 676 would allow people applying for certain jobs to check a box saying they'd take less than minimum wage. Critics say ...
Activists want to raise the minimum wage, give workers more rights to fair scheduling and full-time hours, and improve ...
The Florida constitution increases the minimum wage to $14 an hour on Sept. 30 and will go to $15 an hour on Sept. 30, 2026.
Businesses would be able to pay workers involved in, say, apprenticeships less than minimum wage under a bill that cleared a Senate panel Monday.
In court and the legislature, efforts continue to repeal or water down a voter-approved law requiring paid sick leave and a ...
Rep. David Morales, D-Providence, said he is disappointed in all the restaurant owners, lobbyists and trade groups that came ...
A group of Democrats in the North Carolina General Assembly have filed an ambitious bill that would raise the minimum wage, ...
Does Proposition A violate the Missouri Constitution? That’s what the State Supreme Court is now weighing. The voter-passed ...
ST. PAUL ( Minnesota Reformer) – A bill backed by Gov. Tim Walz to phase out subminimum wages for disabled workers by 2028 ...
“Because the minimum wage was so high I saw a lot of young students, teenagers missing out on opportunities like we (had),” said state Sen. Jonathan Martin, R-Fort Myers, who is sponsoring the bil ...