Director Carl Erik Rinsch has been indicted on charges of fraud and money laundering for allegedly taking $11 million from Netflix and spending it on luxury cars, antique furniture and mattresses.
The saga allegedly involves Carl Erik Rinsch losing millions of dollars in securities trades, making that money back in ...
Netflix recently signed the controversial ‘Kill Tony’ host to a deal, so it’s not surprising to see this rumor quickly turn ...
Netflix’s new hit show Adolescence has perplexed thousands with its many manosphere terms, from Andrew Tate references to ...
The Netflix show Adolescence perfectly encapsulates my biggest fear about UK schools. That is, that the shocking standard of ...
Parents are urging fellow mums and dads to watch the new crime drama as concerns rise over social media's influence ...
The new crime drama, Adolescence, on Netflix looks deep into a family whose 13-year-old son is accused of murder ...
A pair of carefully crafted character studies and three female-fronted thrillers are among the gems hidden on your ...
Meghan Markle a primit amenințări cu moartea după lansarea show-ului ei, „With love, Meghan”, care a ajuns în top 10 Netflix.
Este un film care s-a lansat cu numai câteva zile în urmă, însă, într-un timp atât de scurt, a devenit una dintre cele mai ...
Adolescence isn’t based on a true story, but rather the U.K.’s real-life rise in knife-related crimes among juveniles. Graham ...
Netflix a reușit din nou să zguduie publicul cu o producție de excepție! Mini-seria Adolescence, un thriller psihologic care explorează o poveste sfâșietoare despre familie, crimă și societatea modern ...