The city council is implementing its BikeWalkOKC plan, which recommends new bike lanes on key east-west corridors.
Two of Edmond's main streets are heavily traveled Broadway Avenue and Second Street. A study will show how to make both ...
Oklahoma City leaders are seeking public input for the May Avenue bridge over NW Expressway redesign through April 25.
HEALDTON, Okla. (KTEN) — New pavement on Texas Street in Healdton is just one of many road projects the city is making a ...
Cleveland County commissioners approve a controversial partnership with the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority for new access points as part of the ACCESS Oklahoma plan.
"Claremore, Next 2 Exits," reads a sign posted on the eastbound Will Rogers Turnpike as it shuttles drivers out of Tulsa.
Cleveland County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution Monday requesting the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority resume its ...