Bills in the Oregon legislature that would ease public safety requirements for convicted sex offenders and downsize the state ...
Oregon lawmakers are considering reducing the retirement age to 50 for firefighters, police, DAs and other public safety ...
Limiting gun possession for people under 21 and allowing lawmakers with concealed handgun licenses to carry in the Capitol ...
Environmental groups and timberland owners are calling on Oregon lawmakers to support a yearslong agreement that will be ...
A bipartisan group of lawmakers are proposing to increase the program's funding from $8 million to $14 million per two-year ...
The Child Success Act is one of several bills meant to support parents and small children this session, dubbed the "Momnibus" bills.
Democrat Tina Kotek is backing legislation that would allow the state to demand coaches in underperforming schools and take ...
Ballot Measure 114 bans purchases of magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. It also requires a permit ...
The climate survey and a report presented to lawmakers this week will guide discussions around changing the Oregon Legislature's harassment rule.
Recent data shows that more defendants are going unrepresented than ever, despite the state's plans to build a more robust public defense system.