The vestments of the Kohen Hagadol, the High Priest, received just as much attention from the Torah as the Mishkan’s (the ...
A traveler once arrived at the court of a renowned Hasidic Rabbi and, with a trembling voice, with the urgency of one ...
The word kavod – dignity or honor – appears sixteen times, but in fourteen (2x7) of these cases the reference is to the glory of G-d.
before Hashem’- the robe, to which our speech alludes - as ... in the Gemara, say:’Said Rabbi Anani Bar Sasson:’Why was the parashah of the priestly garments juxtaposed to the parashah ...
I was appreciative that the director had arranged a lectern for me; it enabled me to hide the pages of the ceremony and more ...
Phyllis W. Beck was a trailblazer. The first woman appointed to the Pennsylvania Superior Court back in 1981 trailblazed in ...
Edward Norton’s net worth is estimated to hover around $300 million, a figure that reflects not only his acting prowess but ...