The 55-year-old man who died Monday morning after jumping off an overpass bridge in Sylmar has been identified.
An abandoned car full of drugs allegedly led to the kidnapping and attempted murder of a Bell Gardens man, a case that authorities say offers a rare example of extreme cartel violence on U.S. soil.
As the fires that ravaged Los Angeles in January ebbed, many trees were left standing next to burnt down homes. Here’s why.
Alta West Partners, Glendon Capital Management and an affiliate of A2 Capital Management acquired the 83,000-square-foot ...
Mission Viejo 9, Reno (Nev.) 3 Riverside Poly 4, Bishop Manogue (Nev.) 2 Sierra Canyon 14, Spanish Springs (Nev.) 12 ...
Aerospace manufacturing just got a new lift in the South Bay, with Trio Manufacturing tripling the size of its plant.