The University of Plymouth is supporting a new plan from Plymouth City Council that aims to deliver 8,000 new jobs, 10,000 new homes and 1,000 new businesses over the next decade. Launched today, ...
At Plymouth you'll uncover new passions and dive deep into what you love.
Every three-metre square of the world has been given a unique combination of three words. Use these to find our exact location. If you need to speak to someone out of hours, you can contact our ...
Research in the Marine Biology and Ecology Research Centre (MBERC) has contributed substantially to the understanding of how marine biodiversity is responding to environmental change and has informed ...
The Community and Primary Care Research Group (CPCRG) is intensively research active and has a strong proven track record of Health Services Research. Our research is conducted through the involvement ...
From links to our online payment portals to advice on sponsorship, tuition fee loans and debts – everything you need to know about paying your tuition fees. how to make a payment advice for students ...
A dietary supplement used to build muscle – or prevent muscle loss as a result of ageing or illness – is to be trialled as a potential treatment for chronic liver disease. Β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate, ...
University helps to lead calls for investment in coastal communities University of Plymouth news: Research coordinated by the University is central to a new report that calls for a comprehensive ...
Unleash your potential and refine your skills with our specialised creative arts degrees. Whether you aspire to work in the Arts, Performing Arts or Music industries our programmes provide a ...
Join Plymouth Athenaeum for their next lecture as Dr Patrick Holden discusses The end of the ‘Liberal International Order’: implications for Europe. Patrick will discuss the impact of the decline of ...
If you're a student from the USA thinking of coming to study in Plymouth, you'll find all the essential information you need right here If you’re a student in the USA considering studying at the ...