It doesn't have a false thumb, like a panda or a spectacled bear, so it’s probably related to black bears and grizzlies in the genus Ursus. So let’s call it Ursus stuffulus. Now we submit our ...
The genus-species combo is how we identify animals in modern binomial nomenclature because no two types of animals have the same one. So Ursus americanus is the North American black bear ...
Deinosuchus fossils were originally classified under the genus Polyptychodon ... the Ice Age cave bear, or Ursus spelaeus, must have struck fear into the hearts of early humans.
Genus Power Infrastructures Ltd., incorporated in the year 1992, is a Small Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 7,704.28 Crore) operating in Electric/Electronics sector. Genus Power Infrastructures ...
During the peer-review process the editor and reviewers write an eLife assessment that summarises the significance of the findings reported in the article (on a scale ranging from landmark to useful) ...
The subspecies Cervus elaphus canadensis, better known as elk, is the most populous and developed member of the red deer (Cervus elaphus) genus. Elk are found in North America. These animals make ...
Bears are large, furred mammals belonging to the Ursidae family. There are eight species of bears in the world, each with its own subspecies. Six of these species are classified as under threat in ...