NEVADA CITY — A child suffered extreme burn injuries after a vehicle caught fire at a Nevada City apartment complex, police said Tuesday. Nevada City police said it happened around 1:30 p.m. at ...
Virginia City will host its 34th annual Rocky Mountain Oyster Fry from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., on Saturday, March 15. The event will feature a variety of Rocky Mountain oyster dishes, a St. Paddy Made Me ...
The Nevada City Council has been working with Capstone, a nonprofit, to remodel the building, for a project called the Nevada Flats. The property needs to be rezoned in order for the apartments to ...
Rep. Mark Amodei issued the following statement Tuesday following the reintroduction of the Northern Nevada Economic Development and Conservation Act, which will allow for the conveyance and disposal ...
The historic Tour of Nevada City Bike Shop, a beloved staple of the Nevada City community since 1969, is gearing up for a new chapter. On January 28th, ownership of Tour of Nevada City Bike Shop ...
A Dayton man died Monday in Carson City in a crash on U.S. Highway 50, according to the Nevada Highway Patrol. Nathan Medina, 47, was pronounced dead at the scene, the NHP release said. On Monday, at ...
BRISTOL, Va (WCYB) — The former Virginia Intermont College campus which used to be vibrant and full of life but is now a deteriorating landmark. This is why city officials and local legislators ...
One of the most interesting conversions, however, was at Cotner Boulevard and O Street, where Gateway Bank was born in the old Dutch Windmill Drive-In. In 1878, John Taylor acquired the square ...
New York-based construction company Skanska announced Thursday that it has completed a $223 million redevelopment project for the Virginia Port Authority ... is headquartered in New York City with 28 ...
Springtime in Northern Nevada is approaching and with it days that are warm followed immediately by winter storm warnings. This week is no different with sunny, warm weather early this week giving ...
Small towns are ideal for weekend getaways, offering just enough diversions to be entertaining without being overwhelming, ...