First introduced in 1923, the Equal Rights Amendment has met the requirements for ratification. But its constitutionality is ...
These fundamental rights and principles are the backbone of America—tampering with them could change everything.
If the constitutional amendment passes the House this spring or next year, voters will have a chance to vote on the measure ...
A new promo campaign from MSNBC features top anchors including Rachel Maddow, Ari Melber and Jen Psaki reading the words of the First Amendment ...
While President Donald Trump outwardly declared himself a champion of the right to free expression, he has mounted a full-on assault on this right, hoping that the ferocity and multi-pronged nature of ...
In the first days of his ... as a violation of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which plainly states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to their ...
The wording of the proposed amendment states, in part ... In order for the amendment to be added to the Constitution, the resolution must first pass the legislature with either a three-quarter ...
An immigrant to the United States with a green card walks into his apartment building. Homeland Security agents enter, ...
When it comes to free speech, the First Amendment draws no distinction between citizens and other legal residents.
The First Amendment’s free speech protection is ... lest they be arrested by the regime, in the United States. Justice Department lawyers were also in court defending Trump’s absurd executive ...
That was state Rep. Tom Jones’ ludicrous explanation for why his taxpayer-funded office is hosting a video lecture series ...