Two suspects arrested for allegedly murdering a Los Angeles man were in the country illegally and have lengthy criminal ...
A woman checking on a vehicle's occupants who crashed after losing control was killed after another vehicle struck her on ...
In the parable of the good Samaritan, a priest and a Levite passed the man in need before the Samaritan arrived. Why did they ...
Good Samaritan announced the acquisition of a new state-of-the-art robotic-assisted platform for minimally invasive lung ...
The teen flashed a gun as he fought with another youngster inside Hollis Playground at 204th Street and Hollis Avenue in ...
New details are being shared about the death of one-time American Idol hopeful Doug Kiker. Police say a passerby was so ...
A good Samaritan was killed when she went to check on a driver who had just crashed into a median wall on Loop 202 Sunday ...
Two illegal immigrants were arrested after allegedly killing a good Samaritan who tried to stop them from stealing a ...
The woman who was killed got out of her car to check on a car that had crashed on the Loop 202 near 40th Street in Phoenix ...
SCSO says initial information indicates the driver of the truck, a 40-year-old man, was traveling north on Argonne Road when ...
MESA, Ariz. — An East Valley woman is being remembered as a Good Samaritan after being hit by a car on the Loop 202 while ...
After only 45 minutes of deliberations, jurors convicted Michael John Kraft of two counts of vehicular homicide, two counts ...