歐洲三大主要指數收市個別發展, 英國及法國股市下跌; 德國股市上升. 保守派聯盟在德國大選中勝出後, 德國股市上升. 倫敦富時100指數收報8658點, 跌0.39點; 連跌第五日. 法蘭克福DAX指數收報22425點, 升138點, 升幅百分之0.62; 終止三連跌. 巴黎CAC指數收報8090點, 跌63點, 跌幅百分之0.78; 終止兩連升.
Israeli bulldozers have demolished large areas of the now virtually empty Jenin refugee camp and appear to be carving wide roadways through its once-crowded warren of alleyways, echoing tactics alread ...
港股連續第三個交易日低收; 恒生指數昨日收報23341點, 跌136點, 跌幅百分之0.58, 大市成交3560億幾. 港股下跌, 期貨夜市亦跟隨下跌. 即月恒指夜期收報22824點, 跌505點, 低水518點, 合約成交31509張. 即月國指夜期收報8409點, 跌200點, 低水210點, 合約成交44604張.
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management told HR officials that employees not replying to an email asking what they did last week will not be taken as a resignation and staff were not obliged to respon ...
Dozens of Venezuelan migrants boarded small boats on an island off the Caribbean coast of Panama on Monday, setting off towards Colombia by sea as part of a reverse migration of families who have give ...
Europe should use money from frozen Russian assets for further military support of Ukraine and relax its fiscal rules to boost defence spending, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala said on Monday. Czech d ...