Recently, I heard that someone I have known for a long time got a rare form of cancer and is currently recovering from surgery to remove it. My grandmother passed away in December, and another family ...
Which of the statements below about the risk factors of achondroplasia are correct? Select one of the options for each question, then submit your answers to see how well you scored and how other test ...
After switching to home HD, her improved blood pressure control allowed her to discontinue all 5 of her blood pressure medications. Nocturnal home hemodialysis (HD) may be a viable option for patients ...
After a decade of searching for an answer to what was causing progressive pain and weakness in my body, I was finally diagnosed with Pompe disease. Pompe, a rare genetic disorder, has long presented a ...
Which of the statements below about the genetics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) are correct? Select one of the options for each question, then submit your answers to see how well you scored and ...
Friedreich ataxia (FA) is a constant challenge. I know that. My loved ones know that. My doctors know that too. But many others realize the extent of what it’s like beyond the surface. In college, I ...
Elderly patients with AAV and DAH had a mortality rate up to 44% during the 5-year follow-up. Older age and higher glucocorticoid doses were found to independently predict death due to diffuse ...
Patients with NMOSD treated with rituximab had a lower risk of relapse compared to patients who were given other oral therapies. Rituximab has a favorable treatment effect in patients with ...
This article explores sex differences in the prevalence and outcomes of CIDP, and underlying factors contributing to the male predominance. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) and ...
Immunostaining for 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal highlighted oxidative stress in neutrophils within pustules, emphasizing its potential role in GPP pathogenesis. Serum diacron-reactive oxygen metabolite (d-ROM) ...
Longitudinal multidisciplinary care models are essential, given the high surgical burden, chronic nature of pain, and functional limitations of individuals with achondroplasia. Achondroplasia, the ...
Art Still is a former defensive end for the Kansas City Chiefs and an NFL Hall of Famer. Larry Luxner, senior correspondent for Rare Disease Advisor, interviews Art Still, former defensive end for the ...