The School of Art and Design and the Master's Program in Art graduation exhibition is now being held at the TSUKUBA Museum of Art, IBARAKI, until February 24. This exhibition showcases the works and ...
Researchers at University of Tsukuba have applied a visualization technique to depict the brain's activity related to visual perception as geometric patterns. They visualized different shapes as the ...
消化管から分泌される生活習慣病に関連する液性因子を広く探索し、糖尿病治療の新たな候補分子としてインスリン分泌促進と膵β細胞増殖促進の二つの作用を併せ持つ消化管由来ペプチドBetagenin(ベータジェニン)を発見しました。Betageninは動物モデルで糖尿病を改善する効果があり、その作用機序を詳細に解析すると重要なことに、糖尿病によって減少した膵β細胞を再生することが明らかとなり、長期的な血糖コ ...
Bidirectional Electro-enzymatic Reaction of Coenzyme F 420 using Benzyl Viologen and F 420-Dependent Sulfite Reductase ...
Cyano-Substituted Distyrylbenzene Derivative for Laser Media: High Solid-State Luminescence and Processabilities by Tert-Butyl Appending Design. (レーザー媒質に向けたシアノ基置換したジスチリルベンゼン誘導体 ...
高塩濃度・高アルカリ環境下に棲息する紅色硫黄細菌が行う光合成において重要な役割を担うタンパク質複合体の構造と光エネルギー転送効率を、クライオ電子顕微鏡観察と計算機解析に ...
Researchers at University of Tsukuba have identified venom genes from the endoparasitoid wasp Asobara japonica, which uses the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as its host. The proteins encoded by ...
Researchers at University of Tsukuba have discovered that the structure of vortices generated around a swimmer's feet changes with increasing speed during underwater undulatory swimming. Specifically, ...
Recently, fires and other accidents caused by the use of non-original equipment manufacturer lithium-ion batteries (i.e., compatible batteries) have become a problem. However, these compatible ...
神経細胞活動を可視化する技術を用い、脳の視覚認知に関わる活動を幾何学図形として抽出しました。物を認識したり記憶を思い浮かべたりする際に、側頭葉から前頭葉の神経細胞活動が ...