All glass used in house, office and car windows completely blocks UVB from passing through. But only laminated glass can ...
Cruise passengers have been warned to leave one common travel item at home when packing for their upcoming voyage.
Sun-safe fabric and high-coverage swimwear are rising in popularity among Victorians seeking to combat dangerous tanning ...
From a relatively young age, many of us are given one overarching piece of advice when it comes to having an itch: whatever ...
The adorable video of a baby elephant taking a mud bath with its mother is melting the hearts of internet users!
To protect your eye health and support your vision, these are 10 simple things you can do every day for your eyes.
Farmer Brown’s Steak House in Waterloo, Nebraska, is the kind of joint that doesn’t need fancy frills or white tablecloths to ...
So there you have it, folks – seven thrift stores that prove paradise isn’t just about beaches and mai tais. It’s also about ...
Welcome to February! Thunder Bay sees snow, wind, and a brief warm-up to 0°C before temperatures plunge again. Wind chills near -22°C ahead. Stay warm and watch for ice! THUNDER BAY - WEATHER - ...