Many of the current issues with the Hulk's MCU arc could be addressed by adapting one comic story that offers a chance at a ...
The Absolute Universe has been an unmitigated success for DC Comics. Set in an deviant reality created by Darkseid, this ...
To hear Stan Lee tell it, the X-Men came to be precisely because he was tired of making up origin stories. Instead of ...
Despite the poor start, “Heaven’s Half Hour” is gripping television, dropping viewers new and old right into a masterclass of ...
While Marvel may be struggling to get one of its characters off the ground, LEGO has the potential to finally do the property ...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has transformed from a risky Hollywood gamble into an entertainment juggernaut that has ...
Brave New World is set to end its run at the worldwide box office with a little over $400 million, but with movies like ...
We've all been there—you find a show with such a compelling, engaging story that you can't stop watching...but it looks like ...
They're crazy, the Gauls! Throw their R5 into the magic potion and watch it outgrow itself. Like the Hulk when he gets angry.