Samsung Electronics on Wednesday unveiled its newest Galaxy S25 smartphones, powered by Qualcomm's chips and Google's artificial-intelligence model, hoping its upgraded AI features can reinvigorate sales and fend off Apple and Chinese rivals.
The Verge has reached out to Samsung to find out which of its TVs and appliances are currently equipped with these ambient sensors. We also asked if third-party sensors connected to SmartThings can work with the new technology or if it’s limited to Samsung devices at launch. We’ll update this post as we get any new information.
South Korea's SK Hynix forecast sales of its high-end semiconductors used in generative artificial intelligence chipsets would more than double this year, after reporting a quarterly profit record that beat a results estimate for rival Samsung.
Samsung just teased the Galaxy S25 Edge — the new ultra-slim entry into the Galaxy S25 lineup. The phone isn’t out yet, and Samsung hasn’t provided any details, but now we know it’s real. And we have pictures.
New details emerged about Samsung's XR headset at Galaxy Unpacked 2025. This Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest 3 competitor is looking strong!
Samsung has officially launched the Galaxy S25 Series, opening pre-orders on its official website with exclusive offers.
Samsung unveiled how SmartThings, its smart home platform, will introduce AI features that allow users to simplify their everyday lives
The Galaxy S25 is a tale of two AIs: Gemini and Bixby. Yes, while Google's Gemini AI assistant sits at the forefront—it can finally be triggered through a long press of the power button—Samsung is bringing its original Bixby voice assistant out from the shadows.
During a media briefing on the new S25 series last week, Samsung explained that customers rarely ever used the “Air action” gestures. So the company decided to try and cut costs by ditching them entirely.
Those looking to pre-order the Galaxy S25 Ultra can expect several special offers on Samsung's latest flagship smartphones.
Samsung's partnership with Google imbues its new Galaxy S25 phones with powerful AI and deep integration across its ecosystem. That's a major, major win.