An AQI value of 50 or below represents good air quality, per the EPA, while an AQI value over 300 represents hazardous air quality. An AQI value of 100 is considered the threshold for safe air ...
AQI is calculated into six color-coded categories — the higher the AQI value, the more air pollution is present and the ...
During times when wildfire smoke dominates our air, the highest AQI value is likely to be PM2.5, but it can be ozone. AirNow does specify which pollutant is highest and also reports the other two ...
Dhaka, the overcrowded capital of Bangladesh, ranked tenth on the list of cities with the worst air quality, with an AQI ...
Dhaka, the overcrowded capital city of Bangladesh, has ranked the 13th on the list of cities with the worst air quality with an AQI score of 122 at about 9:20am on Saturday ...
Dhaka, the overcrowded capital city of Bangladesh, has ranked second on the list of cities with the worst air quality with an ...
Dhaka, the overcrowded capital city of Bangladesh, has ranked second on the list of cities with the worst air quality with an ...
The sky of Kathmandu Valley is cloudy and air pollution has also increased due to lack of adequate rainfall. Meteorologist ...
Ludhiana: It is neither the festival nor stubble burning season but air quality in the city remains a serious cause for concern.
AQI is calculated into six color-coded categories — the higher the AQI value, the more air pollution is present and the greater the health concern. When there's an increase in a type of ...