The news that Amtrak is dropping its twice-daily bus service connecting Reading, Pottstown and Philadelphia certainly was ...
The service, which includes stops in Montgomery County, fills a gap left by Amtrak’s decision to drop a similar run.
A charter bus company will launch low-cost daily bus routes between, Chicago, Lafayette and other Midwest cities this summer.
The announcement comes just two weeks after the loss of Amtrak’s service left many riders without a direct transportation option.
Amtrak has a temporary route called "the Floridian." So instead of driving to South Florida, I took a 15-hour round-trip ...
A rendering of the future platform for Amtrak in downtown Mobile is displayed during a groundbreaking ceremony on Tuesday, ...
READING, Pa. – A bus company headquartered in New York City will begin bus service between Reading and Philadelphia next week ...
Amtrak, after investing more than $4 billion in a year to improve ... “It simply makes more economic sense to use roads, ...
The big buzz and bigger controversy around Texas during the past several years has been a proposal by a company called Texas ...
Amtrak will pay Rexmark more than two-times what it first offered for control of the station’s 607,000-square-foot commercial ...
The U.S. Department of Transportation is signaling a change in infrastructure emphasis by pressing the District of Columbia ...
Several law enforcement agencies responded to the scene of the crime near Union Station after Amtrak Police heard the ...