The Golden Retriever puppy in the video below has discovered this beloved dog pastime herself, and it looks like she's become ...
Sharing toys and treats can be a sticky subject for many dogs out there. After all, lots of pets become possessive over the ...
That specific golden retriever puppy must've had a feeling about the people who came inside because she separated herself ...
A golden retriever named Pinot has melted hearts among social media users after her owner shared the contents of her daycare ...
Puppies initially need a full series of shots, but once grown, they may not need boosters as often as is typically recommended.
TV and movies portray dogs and cats as natural enemies, but strong bonds between unlikely friends extend to a cat parenting a ...
Weddings often mark the start of a new chapter, but in a hilarious video, a pregnant dog and her canine partner were treated ...
Dog lovers have been 'screaming' and demand a puppy owner apologises after her gold retriever thought he gold told to stop ...
Riley the Golden Retriever puppy has been breaking hearts on TikTok after footage of a bittersweet dog family farewell was ...
If you're looking for a dog that's a little out of the ordinary, a canine behaviourist has shared three breeds that make for ...
Some dog breeds, such as Golden Retrievers and Newfoundlands, love water due to their physical adaptations and high energy ...