JB Pritzker is looking to make all Illinois public ... and some older students who are caregivers for their younger siblings may need access to their phones. A couple of years ago, Brentano ...
JB Pritzker signed the bill last year ... Ms. Le, who is one of five siblings and survived polio as a child, was a longtime board member for Access Living, a Chicago advocacy group for people ...
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WLS) -- Gov. JB Pritzker is getting attention on the national stage for speaking out against President Donald Trump. The governor's budget address Wednesday included some ...
Gov. JB Pritzker, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, and other Illinois members of Congress joined staff at University of Illinois Mile Square Health Center on the Near West Side on Friday to deliver a message to ...
SPRINGFIELD — While Gov. JB Pritzker delivered a no-new-taxes, belt-tightening spending proposal for Illinois on Wednesday, the prospective presidential contender spoke to a larger, national ...
Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker on Thursday detailed a proposed new measure aimed at keeping students off social media and focused on studies. Pritzker wants schools to ban cellphones. He cited a Pew ...
Back in November, Springfield shuddered at the estimate from Gov. JB Pritzker’s administration that revenues in the upcoming budget year would fall $3.2 billion short of projected spending.