The bulk of the donations, Kenai Library Director Katja Wolfe told the council, come from a $10,000 donation by Deborah ...
The City of Kenai will purchase new floats for the city dock and repair its concrete ramp using funds left over from three other completed projects after approval last week of a resolution ...
Flood barriers meant to protect Mendenhall Valley homes from glacial outburst floods are on their way to Juneau. This week, ...
The Alaska Volcano Observatory said signs indicated a Mount Spurr eruption was likely, though not certain, in the weeks or ...
The exact derivation of the name "Kenai" is unclear, although it is likely to have come from words of the indigenous Deana'ina Athabaskan Indians. The most likely candidates are "ken'ey" meaning ...
Detroiters packed up and left that city bound for Alaska to take advantage of the homestead land on the Kenai Peninsula that could be had for a $10 filing fee. The 21 families, displaying Alaska or ...
Sterling Airways dba Aleutian Airways, a portfolio company of Wexford Capital LP, has the mission to set a new standard in aviation. Led by a team of experienced airline professionals, Sterling ...