Others want to distance themselves from polarizing politics. Most are looking for a higher quality of life than their finances will allow if they remain in the United States. That is exactly the ...
On that measure, Massachusetts has the highest threshold for middle-class salaries, overtaking New Jersey from last year’s ...
Some state lawmakers are responding to successful efforts by activists to get progressive measures passed by trying to make ...
A little-noticed Trump administration move will decrease the minimum wage for federal contractors, rolling back a boost that ...
Progressives, put aside your justifiable detestation of Donald Trump and his Musky minions for one second, and answer this ...
PORTLAND (WGME) — Portland workers earning minimum wage could soon see a pay increase. A proposal suggests raising the city's ...
By undoing a Biden-era wage rule, Trump has made it possible for workers under federal contracts to see their pay rates go ...
President Donald Trump has rescinded an executive order issued by his Democratic predecessor, Joe Biden, that required ...
Activists want to raise the minimum wage, give workers more rights to fair scheduling and full-time hours, and improve ...
Floridians voted in 2020 to raise the minimum wage gradually, but SB 676 would allow those in apprenticeship programs, ...