Mayor Eric Adams has named attorney Randy Mastro as his first deputy mayor, a controversial pick who also served in the ...
Randy Mastro, who withdrew his nomination for corporation counsel after the City Council strongly objected, will try to help ...
On this day, exactly five years ago, we lost the first New Yorker to COVID-19. In the days and weeks that followed, the city ...
New York City Mayor Eric Adams named an interim first deputy mayor nearly a month after four of his top staff members ...
Dozens of donors to Eric Adams’ first mayoral run have defected from him this year and instead poured tens of thousands of dollars into the campaign coffers of two of his top challengers, former Gov.
In the weeks before the presidential inauguration, Mayor Eric Adams of New York cozied up to President Trump, his political allies and his family.Credit...Eric Lee/The New York Times Mayor Eric ...
New York City Mayor Eric Adams created another viral moment by oversharing about his past love life and fare evasion in a ...
Primary day in New York City is just about three months away. The incumbent candidate, Mayor Eric Adams, lost an endorsement ...
Federal corruption charges against New York Mayor Eric Adams should be dropped permanently with no chance of future ...
New York City is falling well short of Mayor Eric Adams' campaign promise to build hundreds of miles of new bike lanes, as ...
NYC Mayor Eric Adams faces a fundraising challenge with competitors outpacing him, as he gathers a fraction of the previous ...
With public safety becoming a key focal point of the New York City mayor's race, Eric Adams lashed out Monday at opponents.