Physicists continue to argue over Microsoft’s qubit claims. The entire field hangs in a delicate balance.
In theory, a quantum computer could perform calculations vastly more quickly than today’s conventional computers.
Other companies are leveraging different ways to corral quantum power. Quantinuum Inc., which is majority-owned by Honeywell ...
Quantum technologies operate by leveraging various quantum mechanical effects, including entanglement. Entanglement occurs ...
Amazon, IBM, Google, Intel and Microsoft are all working on quantum technology. Governments around the world have also ...
A research team led by Professor Sun Qing-Feng in collaboration with Professor He Lin's research group from Beijing Normal ...
In a remarkable leap forward for quantum technology, South Africa and China have forged a historic partnership, establishing ...
The first quantum satellite link was established between the Chinese quantum microsatellite Jinan-1 and a South African ...
A quantum laboratory funded by the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging ...
China and South Africa partnered together to create the world’s longest quantum communications link, via the University of ...
At the beginning of the 20th century, a group of young researchers, mainly from European countries, revolutionized the ...