Amalek rejects Hashem’s connection to this world or any connection between the spiritual and the physical. Essentially, Amalek denies Hashem’s control of this world and the ability for man to upli ...
The answer is that even when Hashem hides His face, He is still there. A person wearing a mask is still the same person underneath. The story of Purim is all about hiding and revealing. It is about ...
Tefillah is central to our identity. It is an essential reflection of the human soul and part of what characterizes man as distinct from animal. Hashem provides for the whole world; only man appreciat ...
Pittsburgh Zal, a new and vibrant Yeshiva Gedolah located in Greenfield, Pittsburgh, is excited to announce that registration ...
It seems like no coincidence, then, that we read Esther and Ruth at the beginning and end of this period in the year.
The vestments of the Kohen Hagadol, the High Priest, received just as much attention from the Torah as the Mishkan’s (the ...
It is a matter of debate whether the re-establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 represents the beginning of the Final Redemption, the ingathering of the exiles.
Midrash Yalkut Makiri (Tehillim 118:28) interprets this verse autobiographically regarding King David. His brothers rejected ...
Ariel and Kfir are our dear, sweet children. We are so heartbroken that they are gone.
Rabbi Yonatan Markovitch & Rabbi Eyal SalmanJCC Chabad Jewish Community of Kiev "How can Jewish life be maintained behind bars during wartime?" — This question was at the heart of a special ...
But what are these cherubim and what do they symbolize? According to Rabbi Abbahu (see Tractate Sukkah 5b and Rashi on Exodus 25:18), however, the word cherubim derives from the Aramaic word ravya ...
Mercury changes zodiac sign atleast once every month and this includes forward motion as well as retrograde motion. In 2025, Budh changes rashi 15 times and retrogrades 3 times.