TOLOVANA ROADHOUSE — On the dark, frozen white plain of the Tanana River, a white dot appeared in the night. It was the ...
Mansfield native and Iditarod musher Matthew Failor was just 71 miles away from the burled arch finish line in Nome.
When Jessie Holmes won the 2025 Iditarod early Friday morning, he also became the first musher to pass under the new burled arch. See a spelling or grammar error? Report it to [email protected] ...
Reversing the Roadless Rule on the Tongass risks dragging us back to the destructive days of clearcut logging, and it’s simply not what most Alaskans want right now.
The 53rd Iditarod is nearing its end in Nome, Alaska, as fans from all over gather to watch the mushers and their teams race toward the finish line. The city ...
The Nome-Beltz Biathlon team is running the concession stand at Iditarod race HQ, raising funds for travel to competitions ...
Rookie Emily Ford said her dog team cannot wait to get into some snow. “I think they're gonna be so stoked and be like — ...
In this March 13, 2019, file photo, Pete Kaiser, Yup’ik, poses with his lead dogs, Morrow, left, and Lucy in Nome, Alaska, after winning the 2019 ... is problematic for rural mushers who don’t live on ...
a Medevac jet crash in Philadelphia and a deadly regional airline crash off the coast of Nome, Alaska. In the Chicago incident, the Southwest plane was arriving from Omaha, Nebraska, and the ...
This expedition will recreate the distance run by legendary dog Togo and lead musher Leahnard Seppala almost 100 years ago as they raced to deliver the life-saving vaccine to the children of Nome ...
NOME, Alaska -Along the remote western edge of Alaska, just before it hits the narrow strait dividing America from the Russian Far East, Rolland Trowbridge is holding a contraption he designed and ...