Kepala Pusat Riset Geoinformatika BRIN Rokhis Khomarudin menyoroti pentingnya pemanfaatan teknologi penginderaan jauh dalam menghadapi tantangan sosial dan lingkungan di Indonesia ...
Badan Antariksa Jepang (JAXA) mengumumkan keberhasilan peluncuran satelit navigasi menggunakan roket H3 yang baru. Peluncuran ini merupakan bagian dar ...
Ukuran: Terkecil di antara planet-planet, bahkan lebih kecil dari beberapa satelit seperti Ganymede dan Titan Jarak ... data komprehensif BepiColombo (2018-sekarang): Misi gabungan ESA/JAXA, akan tiba ...
When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. Starlink is the name of a satellite network developed by the private spaceflight company ...
TRIBUNJATIM.COM - Kades Kohod ngotot kalau wilayah pagar laut di Tangerang dulunya merupakan empang. Google Satelit justru menunjukkan fakta lain. Kepala Desa Kohod menyebut wilayah pagar laut yang ...
According to the draft, “the private sector will have such responsibilities as managing [the new space station], and JAXA will support its use.” JAXA is currently responsible to the management and ...
Satellite internet is the only internet connection type with nearly 100% availability across all 50 states. In rural or hard-to-access areas, satellite internet is often an essential lifeline for ...
JAXA said on April 5 that the number rocketed up by 4.3 times from the last time it recruited astronauts in 2008, when it was 963. The agency no longer requires prospective astronauts to have ...
(Beritasatu Photo/Herman) Jakarta - PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (PSN) akan meluncurkan satelit baru bernama Satelit Nusantara Satu pada 18 Februari 2019. Meskipun belum mengorbit, saat ini sudah ...